Saturday, June 7, 2008

when u will cry so freely wiz scream

when ur friends left u alone after prolonged time u live together,u can't cry ,cuz this is our life ,every girl must determine her way of life alone or wiz her partner.

when u felt urself strange in ur home ,no one can feel u closly,brother, sister,mother and father all have his own traffic mind ,can't stand another feelings,u shouldn't cry too ,cuz there is our life everyone have his own proplem.

when ur partners in school or faculty ,just like ur lectures writing way,ur studying papers,ur style and beauty outdoor 2 attract boys in street only ,but don't feel u when u talk or say i'm tired help me 2 feel happy like u,u also shouldn't cry,cuz life need us 2 be tough wiz it ,to keep going in education and work ,there is no time 4 feelings.

when u like someone becauseof his pure life'',love god,don't do any thing he hate,don't date any girl ,don't listen 2 music,daily listen and read qur2an,go on his way wiz sayedna mohamed 3alayh el salat wa alsalam ,so excellent in education,always ask u 2 be close 2 allah,then it's all over cuz u will never see him or will be close 2 him,u just read wat he write,and u now know wat's difference between wrong and true,so u shouldn't cry 4 that ,u can be alone any where,and he wil pray 4 u.

when u feel so lonely ,and depressed,and all around u do everything wrong,playing music ,friend wiz guys pray in difficulty,don't open qur2an,makeup,hang out, and ur mo2men friends left 4 2 marry and 2 travel 4 work,anyway they just left,u shouldn't cry u can be strong ,and can help ur bad friends 2 be good.

when u feel weak and can't stand all of that,feel god hates u ,making wrong things so easy 2 do,and the right is sooooooo difficult ,and noway of falling in fault,u shouldn't cry ,god test u.

after all of this time ,u feel sick,cold,and so old >80 yrs old,u couldn't taste food ,drinks,air,and u can't identify urself in the mirror,feel ur life is none ,it means none,thought death is the most easiest way 2 give up,and u will be wiz god who is the most feels u from inside and the most who will be nice wiz u,really i love u god don't hate me 4 my faults,i really worshiped u wiz love 2 meet ,and look at u just 4 one second,my lord............,but u shouldn't cry and ask 4 death is illegle .

all i can do just be supinelying and look at the sky ,the stars after sun left ,breathe air,and bring silent tears wiz very small number wiz no sound ,just 2 feel that i'm free from psycological disorder .

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